As an extra bonus, for each touchdown you make there is a bonus cash prize!
由于时额外的奖金, 每获得一分就会有现金奖金!
互联网The runner up at final level gets $ 5000 cash prize.
互联网They are also given a cash prize, which can be as much as US $ 1 million.
他们也有一个现金奖, 可能是多达美金一百万元.
互联网Later, they began searching for sponsors to subsidize a cash prize for the winner.
互联网The most highly downloaded entryend of the contest will stand to win $ 200 cash prize!
互联网The PolyU Team won the first runner - up to get a trophy and $ 10000 cash prize.
理大普通话辩论队以三胜一负之佳绩勇夺 亚军,可得奖杯乙座及一万元奖金.
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